
Archive for May, 2013

Caitlin James

May, 2013

By Paul Martell


Caitlin James and her four sisters see the need for wellness in our society. For this reason, Drought came into existence. Drought is an organic, raw juice company which is run by the  James sisters


“If the idea ‘how you do one thing is how you do everything’ holds any truth, then wouldn’t maintaining your wellness fall in line with maintaining your relationships, your hopes and your dreams?”

–        DROUGHT  

Caitlin James is a motivated person, and one of five sisters in the James family. Success has come as a byproduct of her desire to enjoy and experience life in a healthful way. Caitlin’s interests include running, yoga, nutrition, meditation and juice. However, with a growing company to run, Caitlin says, “Making time for free time is now a hobby of mine.”


Caitlin James, CEO of DROUGHT

Caitlin’s day starts around 4:30 a.m. when she wakes up and goes to work. Her entire day will be centered on DROUGHT, the raw juice business she started with her sisters back in 2011. She will coordinate all deliveries for the day, and then head to the DROUGHT store located in Plymouth where she will likely spend the rest of her shift, which ends around midnight. Despite this long schedule, Caitlin says, “There are no real weekends yet, but I do have the freedom to take a day off whenever I like. It’s the best job I’ve ever had.”

Unlike many business start-ups, DROUGHT is experiencing large amounts of success, and is projected to continue to grow. This feat has been accomplished by one family with five sisters, (two of them are EMU alumni) a common goal, and some really great juice.

Caitlin graduated from Eastern Michigan University in 2007 with a degree in special education. She enjoyed EMU because attending class in Ypsilanti allowed her to still live at home with her close-knit family in Plymouth. “It was easy for me to pick special education once I got there…I wanted to do something that was helpful and meaningful to others. Also Jane (a James sister) took it, and she is someone I really look up to.” While working in the Special Education program, Caitlin had an experience which would lead to the DROUGHT concept.

“One association I make between DROUGHT and EMU happened while I was studying cognitive impairment,” said Caitlin, “Right after I started, I worked with autistic kids; most were on a vegan diet. It was something I had dabbled with in my personal life. It caught my interest, and got me really into nutrition which is what I am doing now. “

After Caitlin graduated, but before she started DROUGHT, she wanted to explore life outside Metro Detroit. So she joined the Peace Corps. There she served in Jordan, right on the border of the Dead Sea, as a special education teacher. She resided there for two years. Caitlin said, “I lived in a very small village, and learned to live on very little to nothing. It taught me to be extremely resourceful. “

Two years later, she came home and decided to go back to school in New York. However, that plan would not work out because Caitlin and the rest of the James sisters were all thinking of something else. They wanted to start a business, and they wanted to promote health.

“I can never explain it and not make it sound too simple. We were all on the same page…We were going to have a stand at the farmer’s market and sell juice. In just a matter of days that plan started to evolve,” said Caitlin. And this is how DROUGHT was conceived, a family of educated sisters, all putting their minds together. Before long, Caitlin and her sisters realized their idea was now much larger than a stand at a market. They needed a formal business plan, and they needed funding.  The sisters turned to Kickstarter, a web site for individuals to make small investments toward start-ups. The Kickstarter community loved the Drought concept so much, in one month the girls raised $13,000.


DROUGHT juice comes in a variety of awesome flavors!

Today, Caitlin runs DROUGHT with her sisters, and business is expanding steadily. In a year’s time, they have gone from two employees to seven, and are now selling in Detroit’s Eastern Market, Plum Market in Ann Arbor, their storefront in Plymouth, and Detroit is coming this June.

DROUGHT is pure, cold-pressed, organic, raw juice and Caitlin is confident in her product. “DROUGHT is going to the moon,” said Caitlin, “Our product is a premium product, and we are very specific about how it is made. People are realizing they need to drink more wisely, and this is a product for everyone.”

Caitlin’s experiences have taken her from Plymouth to Ypsilanti, across the Middle East, to New York, and then back to Metro Detroit.  Every new task and location has added to whom she is today. EMU is proud to be part of DROUGHT’s inception and to have provided Caitlin with practical skills and experience she still uses. Image

Caitlin James has been featured in Crain’s Detroit Business “Twenty in their 20s” which celebrates highly successful individuals in their twenties. She was also invited to sit on the Entrepreneur Panel in the 2013 Mackinac Policy Conference.

If you would like to learn more about Caitlin, DROUGHT, Jessie, Jenny, Julie, or Jane just check out the following:

By Paul Martell

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Taylor Maguire

May, 2013

By Paul Martell


“Promote yourself.” That’s what Taylor Maguire says; and the confidence with which she endorses her abilities led the perfect job to her, not the other way around. 


Taylor now works as a Communication & Photo Specialist for MiRealSource

Taylor Maguire has two degrees, in two of her passions. She holds a bachelor’s degree in public relations from Eastern Michigan University, as well as a degree in photographic technology from Washtenaw Community College. Taylor is also working hard in a fantastic job which utilizes both her specialties, and seems to have come to her. How does she do it?

Too often, students find themselves attempting to match what they like to do with an incompatible, profitable career choice. However, Taylor shows us the key to success is to make your career choice compatible with what is most enjoyable.

Taylor came to Eastern Michigan University in 2011. She was filled with ambition, but was unsure about which path to take. “I was in a limbo state, I honestly considered marketing, public relations, and occupational therapy,” she said. At the same time, she came to EMU a junior, and felt, “I never got the typical freshman experience.” However, things were going to come together very nicely for Taylor. A conversation with a friend led her to try an introductory class in what would become her profession. “I was telling my friend I see myself working events, writing, and dealing with the press,” said Taylor. Hearing this, Taylor’s friend encouraged her to take JRNL 312: Intro to PR with Professor Regina “Gina” Luttrell. That was all Taylor needed.

Taylor quickly declared public relations as her major, took a full load of classes, joined the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), and finally ran and was elected Vice President of Special Events and Coordination within the student organization.  Taylor had become close with Professor Gina, and joined PRSSA based on both her and good friend Marietta Ford’s (’11 grad) recommendation to do so.

“I made a lot of friends in PRSSA, and bonded with Gina more because of it. She was a good mentor to me… I loved how blunt she was. She would push me to want to be better.”

Taylor was getting better. With each new challenge she took on, she became a more experienced public relations specialist. Taylor had her classes mapped out, a respectable role in a student-professional organization, and now all she needed was an internship.

Taylor had a few interviews with PR internships in surrounding communities, and was considering them all when she received an email promoting a possible internship opportunity in EMU’s Office for Alumni Relations. Interim Executive Director of Alumni Relations Daniel Mathis was looking for a PR Intern to help promote alumni chapters, and help with events. Taylor sent in her resume, and shortly after interviewed and was hired.

“Dan and I really hit it off. After meeting Dan I was really motivated to get this internship because of how professional and friendly he was,” said Taylor.


Taylor, third from left (snuggling Santa) with the Alumni Office Staff

By Taylor’s senior semester, life became overwhelming. Taylor says, “I was working as VP of Events, I was interning, I was in JRNL 408 (the capstone for the PR program), going to job interviews, working on my portfolio, and trying to find a place to live by December. I thought: if I can do this, I can do anything.”

Then Taylor received an email which seemed “too good to be true.” The CEO of MiRealSource was looking to hire someone very specific. MiRealSource is “Michigan’s largest real estate multi-list source and provider of real estate resources, tools, and training for real estate professionals,” and the organization was in need of a person skilled in both public relations and photography. He had contacted local PRSSA chapters and thus, discovered Taylor. He offered her a position, and Taylor spoke it over with Gina. She accepted.

Today, Taylor works for MiRealSource as a Communication and Photo specialist. She uses her extensive training and experience in Public Relations work to run social media, internal and external communication. She also uses her photography skills in teaching “Photos with Taylor”, a class in which she instructs real estate agents on how to properly shoot home/landscape pictures for listings.

She also runs her very own photography business: Taylor Leigh Photography!

Taylor looks back on her time at EMU with pride. “I really learned how to juggle a lot of different projects. I recommend that you get as involved as you can… Put yourself out there; make sure your personality shines through. Promote yourself the best you can.” Taylor came to EMU as one student who was willing to try new things. Because of this mentality, she was able to accrue a set of experiences which she may have never gotten otherwise.

Taylor says, “What I do now is what I like to do.” With hard work and an open mind, the success Taylor has is attainable for all graduates.

All of us in the Office for Alumni Relations are extremely proud of what Taylor has accomplished, and look forward to seeing what her future successes look like!

Want to keep up with Taylor, or check out her work?

–        MiRealSource Facebook

–        MiRealSource Twitter

–        Taylor’s Photography!

–        LinkedIn

Paul Martell

the intern Taylor chose as her replacement.

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May, 2013

By Laura Schulz

 The New Alumni Happy Hour is hosted by EMU’s Young Alumni Council (YAC) and brings new graduates and recent Alumni together to celebrate mutual accomplishments


Some crazy kids from the Young Alumni Council enjoying themselves at the New Alumni Happy Hour

On Friday, April 26, 2013 the EMU Young Alumni Council hosted their annual April “New Alumni Happy Hour” formerly known as the “Graduation Celebration”. The event was held at the Tap Room from 7:00-9:00 pm. The happy hour hosted over 60 attendees including recent graduates, young alumni and their family and friends. Members of Young Alumni Council and Alumni Association board were in attendance as well.

There was a delicious buffet which included pizza, a nacho bar, and homemade potato chips, and of course, drinks specials!

Many of the guests won door prizes. The top winners walked away with a gift basket of all Michigan brewed beers and a basket of Michigan made snacks!Image

Everyone had a great time talking and eating and we are looking forward to the next “New Alumni Happy Hour” in December.

The Young Alumni Council’s next event is at the Lansing Lugnuts game on August, 24, 2013 with a pre-tailgate party. Stay tuned for event details.

–        Young Alumni Council Facebook

–        Twitter

Laura Schulz,

Young Alumni Council President


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The largest class in EMU history graduated Sunday, April 28, 2013

Just three days ago, two and a half thousand men and women joined the Young Alumni ranks. It’s a staggering number; one which has made EMU history as the largest graduating class ever. EMU now boasts over 148,000 alumni. I had the privilege of being a part of that class.

The ceremony ran smoothly. Keynote speaker, Scott Reynolds, executive story editor for “Dexter“, was outstanding, and the feeling of commencing the rest of my life was surreal. However, what is still with me days later is the message Student Government President, Matthew Norfleet delivered to the soon-to-be alumni.

Matthew himself was graduating, and reminded us of the people in our lives who have made our successes possible. For Matthew, it was his mother. For you, that person or persons could be anyone. I am fortunate to have an entire network of support in my friends, professors, loved ones, and especially my parents.

Sincerest congratulations to the 2,376 former students who graduated last Sunday, you are the pride of Eastern Michigan University. We now have a chance to stay connected, and become the support of future graduates by getting involved.

So please keep in touch, and let us know where life takes you.

To keep up with EMU news, events and all things Alumni relevant check out:

–        Alumni Facebook

–        Young Alumni Facebook

–        Follow us on Twitter

Be sure to get your free Alumni Association Membership Packet!

Best Wishes in all your endeavors, and again congratulations!

–        Paul Martell


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